
Rabu, 05 Maret 2014

Jakarta Culinary Festival Datang Lagi

Ruang Info | Jakarta Culinary Festival Datang LagiMAU memanjakan lidah dengan berbagai sajian kuliner atau melihat berbagai pameran seputar kuliner? Datang saja ke Jakarta Culinary Festival 2010. Gelaran kali kedua ini akan dimulai pada 5-30 November.

Ismaya Group selaku penyelanggara akan memberikan suguhan spesial dari koki-koki internasional, kuliner lokal populer, dan berbagai acara menarik lain yang kesemuanya akan berlangsung di lantai 5 Grand Indonesia Shopping Town.

Selama tiga hari awal pembukaan (5-7 November), Anda yang datang berkunjung akan disuguhi beragam acara dan berbagai stand pameran. Bisa juga belajar dari para koki kenamaan secara gratis.

Berikut ini jadwal acara pembukaan yang bisa Anda kunjungi;

5 November 2010

Area Schott Zwiesel Chefs Roundtable

13.00-14.00 Taste of Sarong by Will Meyrick

15.00-16.00 The Culinary Wealth of Indonesia by Chris Salans

16.00-17.00 Quick and Easy with Lee Kum Kee

18.00-19.00 Wine vs Glass for Beginners by Multifortuna

19.00-20.00 Simple French by Sandra Djohan

20.00-21.00 Vindex Tengker

Area Rotaryana Theater

11.00-12.00 Quick and Easy by Lee Kum Kee

12.00-13.00 Taste of Sarong by Will Meyrick

13.00-14.00 Chic Indonesian by Rinrin Marinka

14.00-15.00 Modern Palembang by Farah Quinn

15.00-16.00 Tortilla Soup by Andre Buser

16.00-17.00 Home Coffee by Illy

17.00-18.00 Start it Today with Healthy Choice by Digdo

18.00-19.00 Simple French by Sandra Djohan

19.00-20.00 Indonesian Modern Seafood by Vindex Tengker

Miele Demo Kitchen

11.00-12.00 Modernizing Kambing Guling by Adhika Maxi

13.00-21.00 Cooking with Chris Salans and Miele

6 November 2010

Area Schott Zwiesel Chefs Roundtable

14.00-15.00 Wine vs Glass by Multifortuna

15.00-16.00 The Philanthropic Lifestyle by Save a Teen

17.00-18.00 ABCs of Wine: How Wine is Made by Suyanto

19.00-20.00 Food and Family..Where do we stand and where are we going? by Antoine Audran

20.00-21.00 Wine Appreciation by Sarong Asian Food

Area Rotaryana Theater

10.00-12.00 Kids Cooking Class by Hugo Adrian

13.00-14.00 Simplify your cooking with a combi oven

14.00-15.00 Maccheroncini with beef fillet by Gianfranco

16.00-17.00 Magnum Royal Creation by Santos

17.00-18.00 Quick and Easy with Lee Kum Kee

18.00-19.00 En Memoire a ma Grand Mere by Antoine Audran

19.00-20.00 Taste of Sarong by Will Meyrick

20.00-21.00 Home Coffee by Illy

Miele Demo Kitchen

13.00-14.00 Potato Head Culinary Adventure by Ignacio

15.00-16.00 Teh Celup Pannacotta by Karen Carlotta

17.00-18.00 Simple French by Sandra Djohan

18.00-19.00 Lil Bites of the Archipelago by Rinrin Marinka

7 November 2010

Area Schott Zwiesel Chefs Roundtable

12.00-13.00 Darren Robertson

14.00-15.00 Magnum Royal Creation by Santos

15.00-16.00 Wine vs Glass by Multifortuna

16.00-18.00 Adhika Maxi dan Karen Carlotta

18.00-19.00 ABCs of Wine: How to taste wine by Suyanto

Area Rotaryana Theater

11.00-12.00 Home Coffee by Illy

14.00-15.00 Accelerating the World of Rapid Cooking with Turbochef by Rotaryana

15.00-16.00 Kaiserschmarren by Thomas Verschnik

16.00-17.00 Quick and Easy with Lee Kum Kee

17.00-18.00 Indonesian Modern Beef by Vindex Tengker

18.00-19.00 Cheers for Education-Wine Auction by Save a Teen

19.00-20.00 Adhika Maxi dan Karen Carlotta

Miele Demo Kitchen

12.00-14.00 The Art of Food by Ismaya Catering

15.00-16.00 Quick and Easy with Lee Kum Kee

Bila ingin mengikuti agenda lainnya yang pasti menarik atau ingin mengetahui informasi labih lanjut, Anda bisa mengunjungi situs www.jakartaculinaryfestival.com.

Sumber: http://www.mediaindonesia.com/mediatravelista/index.php/read/2010/11/05/1634/7/Jakarta-Culinary-Festival-Datang-Lagi

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